Cathleen Connor

Cathleen Connor

Discovering Access Consciousness, both the bodywork and the classes, has been such a tremendous GIFT for me and my body!

I knew I had gifts, awareness, and talents to share with the world, but didn't have the strategies to create with them dynamically until I came across the tools of Access Consciousness.  The Access Energetic bodywork allowed me to be much more comfortable in my own skin and step into more ease being myself and contributing while receiving in the world.

Although I can hardly believe it myself, since I started using the questions and clearings in Access, I have co-authored two books: Possibilities in Parenting and The Lightness of Choosing You, hosted three radio shows: Growing Up Conscious, Super Scoop of Consciousness and Dancing with Consciousness, and I have traveled to other countries for classes - Costa Rica, Vancouver, Italy, and Australia. Before Access, I didn't even get how to choose that :)

Now I also have a Youtube channel: Growing up Conscious since I enjoying sharing ideas and interviewing others about consciousness. 

Since I have the energy shifting questions, clearings and bodywork to create so many more possibilties in my life, I love to share what I have learned with others - that's why I became a Facilitator. Working with children, since I was a special education teacher for more than 25 years, is also something I enjoy.

The question that got me be curious to play was ..... Do you have any idea of the GIFT that you are in the world?

Would you like to uncover more of YOU and your amazing body's talents, capacities and abilites to create change?

Is now the time to be YOU and change the world in your own crazy, unique way?

What if what YOU "be" in the world can not be offered by anyone but you?

Contact me with questions!

Having "studied" so many other modalities before this - Landmark Education, Insight Seminars, Neuro Linguistic Programing, Bodytalk System, Yoga Clam for Children and Brain Gym (R)  to name a few, I already knew that possibilities were expansive. I didn't realize how much more was possible. Soon after even my first Access Bars Class, I started to notice shifts in my body and aliveness. As I continued to progress in the classes, I was amazed how simple it was to shed limitations and start having so many more choices. I had no idea that I had so many limiting beliefs!

Using these tools, I enjoy mentoring parents and schools. I have been a teacher in schools for over 25 years, so I have been playing with kids and adults with labels like ADD, ADHD, Autism, Learning Disability & OCD.

What gifts do they bring to the planet? How can they feel more ease and joy as well?

Whether you would like more self expression in the world, have more money, create more delicious relationships, enjoy your body more, or anything else - I'd love to support you in that process of becoming even more of you with ease.

Access Bars®, Access Energetic Facelift®, ESSE Bodywork, Abuse Hold Sessions, Coaching and Body Process Sessions

Private Sessions Available.

Check with me for open times.

Packaged Session Available.

Are you asking for a massive change with your body?

Have you heard of the Access Body Processes MTVSS or BMM?

10 Sessions of either of these processes and you and your relationship with your body will not be the same.

Please ask for more details.

Classes Also Available.

One Day Access Bars® Class - Practitioner Training.

One Day and Half Day Access Hands-On Body Process Classes.

Have Questions?

Please Contact Me for more details, to book a session and for any information about Access Consciousness, Tools and Processes.

Would you like to hear what others have said about this?


"We worked the Bars and resistance dissolved and I was able to move through a very busy couple of days with no resistance! So there was a beautiful flow. With no resistance I was able to allow myself to be in the center of the daily flow and to let that flow deliver me to everywhere where I needed to be and at the optimum timing.
This is SO COOL, Cathleen!"
JKL, Portland, OR

"I went to the Body, Mind & Spirit show and decided to do a bars session at the Access Consciousness booth. My days are usually filled with numerous body pains and worries. Cathleen did a Bar's session as well as some clearing statements for me. I was amazed that I felt so good afterwards. No body aches or worries. Life was great and felt great. No other modality has made this much impact on me. Thank you so much!" Cindy C. Portland, Oregon

"You do this work at such a deep level, and I have learned new things about doing a session each time I have worked with you. So I'm thrilled that you offer classes, and I can have an entire day learning from you."
Rebecca, Body Worker, Beaverton, OR

"Several of us participated in Cathleen's Bars energy-clearing class. Way awesome! Afterward I felt VERY relaxed and quite clear! Cathleen is a great instructor!"
Jonathan S., Portland, OR

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Yaklaşan Seminerler

Tarih Etkinlik Facilitator Ana İşlem Konum Ortam
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Görüntülenecek seminer yok.

“In all moments, your creation is waiting for you.”

- Don Miguel Angel Ruiz



Access Bars Sınıfı

Access Bars, Access Consciousness'ın en temelini oluşturur. Harika bir maceranın başlangıç noktası olabilir ve her şey ile daha büyük bir kolaylık yaratmanıza yardımcı olacak hayatınıza ekleyeceğiniz bir şey olabilir. Bars, hayatın farklı alanları ve yönleriyle ilişkili olan başın üzerindeki 32 benzersiz noktadır. Bir Bar'a dokunun ve hayatınızın o alanı veya yönüyle ilgili kilitlenmiş enerjiyi sadece ona dokunarak temizlemeye başlarsınız.